3 Ways To Create an Extra Income From Home

Let your dream be bigger than your fears calligraphy

Have you ever had the desire to work from home or have a little extra cash coming into your bank account every month? I HAVE! So I did some digging. I researched and tried ways to earn an extra income without it interfering with my everyday life, responsibilities, family, friends and uni commitments. These will be very beneficial, especially for moms who can’t take jobs away from home because of the kids! Here are 3 ways I have found that are more realistic than others to earn an extra income from home, a side hustle of sorts.

First, Lets Go Back To Where It All Started From

I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. When I was young, my dad owned a retail business, my mom her own tailoring company, and later in life, they both started a successful tennis academy together! For as long as I can remember, I have been surrounded by business ideas, dreams, and desires to create a life that I love without working toward some boss or CEO’s dreams. I have always had the desire to work toward MY dreams and not feel restricted by someone else’s.

Without realising it I had been on the hunt for something since I was but 13 years old, I would come up with business plans and ideas, company names, find industry needs and I’d research ways to make an income from the comfort of my own home, but I never found THE ONE…. until recently. I tried many thing, but I failed most of the time. I went out and started small businesses like selling baked goods or hand made cards in the neighbourhood. To date, I have tried what feels like everything!

Became a Surveyor

The first thing I found that was pretty simple to do was to do surveys online. I never realized how many things you can do a survey on until I started doing surveys for some cash! There are countless websites that you can join and you can earn an alright amount of money doing it. I joined quite a few different ones, it’s pretty simple to join and free to do so. Once you’ve set up your account you can start earning straight away. One of the main drawbacks I found, however, was that you really need to do A LOT of surveys to make it worth your while and some of them can take up to an hour to do! So I moved onto something more complex.

Became a Restorer

When I saw the amount of free items I could find on websites like Gumtree or Facebook markets, I thought I had hit the jackpot. I would restore old furniture and sell it for a profit! I had grand ideas, I would create an ‘aged’ look and I would go pick up all the free furniture and make a fortune. Boy was I in for a treat. I had no idea how much work would actually go into restoring furniture especially since I was fresh out of high school and still studying and I had no experience in doing this whatsoever, so I went researching.

I found that if you want to be successful restoring furniture, you need to be willing to invest in good equipment, good quality paint, decent quality furniture and time. If you want your restoring business to be successful and professional you can’t go around slapping some paint on something or a scrap piece of fabric here and there, you want to set a standard for your business and you need to be willing to put in the time and money to do it. So I ventured out again…

Be an Ambassador

Lastly, I went looking online, I wanted something that wouldn’t interfere with my day to day commitments. I wasn’t looking for something that would make me rich over night but I was looking for something that didn’t need me to invest more than $500 to get me started and I needed it to be worth my while. At this point in my life I was working 5 jobs and none of them were giving me the rush and the satisfaction I was looking for!

I was scrolling through Facebook Jobs one day when I came across an add for Health Ambassadors. Being super passionate about health and helping others, I asked for more info and started digging. My ‘business senses’ were tingling and I felt at peace and excited about this new and daring opportunity that presented itself. This was a Network Marketing (NM) business opportunity. If you search for what industry experts like Tony Robbins, Eric Worre and Frazer Brookes have to say about NM, you will learn that this kind of business is one of the top at home income generating business models you will ever find.

WARNING!!! This is not a get rich quick scheme! So if that is what you are looking for, this is not for you BUT if you are entrepreneurial, hardworking and determined to design a life you love, this might be the perfect opportunity for you! If you are willing put effort into building your skills in building relationships, being genuinely interested in helping others and passionate about creating a life you love, this business will reward you tenfold what you could ever expect from a regular job.

Since I started, my eyes have been opened to what I truly want from life. I do not want to go to work and come home day after day just to be able to scrape by and pay my bills!!! I want to be able to take time off to spend it with my family whenever I want and be able to support the hobbies I’ve always wanted to do and go travel and see the world whenever I want! And it is all possible now that I have the tool to help me get there.

SPECIAL OFFER! If this is something YOU want to explore further, I am offering a free 30 minute session valued at $150 to help answer any questions you may have, guide you on how to set yourself up for success and help you set your goals to create a life you love.

Final words

To tie it all together, there are 3 ways I have found that anyone can do to create an extra stream of income from home. Number 1, online surveys; it’s possible but takes time. Number 2, restoring furniture; again possible but takes resources. Number 3, Network Marketing; possible to create financial freedom with minimal resources and time. Although these ways take some time and effort, it is definite that you can earn from these as time goes by. But still, these ways are only guides from my experience, and it’s still up to you what kind of approach or strategy you want to make. The way in which you find convenience while reaching your goal is what matters after all.

Don’t forget to register for your free 30 minute goal setting and Q&A session valued at $200 NOW! There are limited spots available so do not miss out on this incredible opportunity to set yourself up for success.